Friday, September 26, 2008

Cut Copy - The good and bad.....

Cut Copy's "In Ghost Colours" has been on HEAVY rotation in my car in 2008 (just ask ANYONE who has been in my sportscar this year). The production is right on (Tim Goldsworthy produced), the arrpeggiated synths sound great, good combination of dance with rock sensibility, and the MBV-esque flow to the CD makes for quality listening. So, the dudes have written two albums worth of good tunes. Now, the bad news...CUT COPY SUCKS LIVE. Granted, if you want get drunk with your Myspace buddies and go dance with the band onstage (because that's all they are really doing) then go right ahead. That too can rule (except I don't drink and don't have Myspace buddies). However, I have seen these "bros" twice and was sorely disappointed both times. Fake singing and fake playing keyboard onstage is like an illustrator tracing an image. IT's FAKE, STUPID, AND I'M NOT GONNA DO IT ANYMORE EITHER!!!!! haha. This kind of illusory showmanship is what I was trying to make fun when I did Holland Boys' performances, when not only would I lip-sync the songs, I would lip-sync talking to the crowd in between songs.
I will say Cut Copy's performance in Philadelphia with The Presets (who I was pleasantly surpised by) LOOKED AMAZING. It appears that Modular put out some sweet bucks for their two prized bands' live show, and thank god for that saving grace. Unfortunately, the lack of dynamics in their music is such a disappointment given the strength of their recorded music.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Knife - holy sweet video...

The Knife have been slicing their way to the top of AWESOMENESS...felt the need to post this dope video...(check the scene just to see if you'll need the gloves)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

My Bloody Valentine - MIND-MELTINGLY LOUD at Roseland

For the last two nights I had my MIND MELTED by My Bloody Valentine at Roseland Ballroom in NYC. The performances were the most beautiful, violent, spiritual, loud, all-consuming experience I have ever had. I experienced what its like to be INSIDE a jet engine shooting through the middle of a category 5 hurricane (it was THAT loud).
I honestly feel sad for anyone who likes MBV and didn't get tickets. I too, was skeptical and didn't buy one. However, a few days ago, my friend Aaron said his girlfriend couldn't go because she didn't want to MISS CLASS (nerd alert!) and that I could have her ticket for FREE. Then the next day, after recovering from 3 hours of sleep, I craisglisted another ticket and made the trek back to NYC with some friends. MBV ruled counties, provinces, states, regions, countries, continents, galaxies, and anything larger than all of those things COMBINED.
Instead of spending $1 trillion to change the hearts and minds of Iraqis, The US Govt should have just paid MBV $5 million to tour the entire Middle East. Nobody dies. Everybody lives...AND...Osama Hussein may have just been so stoked on the enormity of MBV's music that he would give the Bush family a direct pipeline of oil out of gratitude.
If you haven't yet heard 'Loveless' you are have been living in a Dark Age. Enlighten yourself today. If you haven't seen MBV live you will never know what dinosaurs and atomic bombs sound like.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Always loved waking up on Sunday and watching these kind of videos on public access TV in Phila area. Don't have a TV anymore. Thank you youtube. If anyone wants to make a music video like this with HP, contact immediately!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Ted Passon - he makes videos and short films

Kimya Dawson Music Video "Lullaby for the Taken" from Ted Passon on Vimeo.

Ted (pictured below as a GIANT) makes music videos and short films. Not only is he very talented, he is one of the nicest people in the City of Brotherly Love. Some of his work includes videos for Plastic Little and Kimya Dawson (made soundtrack for movie 'Juno') We hope to work with this "bro" someday soon. "I know it's gonna happen...someday" - Morrissey

Go to his site and then go to one of his screenings...

Plastic Little are "holding it down"

Plastic Little have been "holding it down" for years now. Based in Philadelphia, their raunchy party rap has garnered them enough attention to tour with Jay Z and Mark Ronson in 2008. Don't know if you caught that or not, BUT THEY TOURED WITH JAY to the Z. Jaysun tells me that when they go to the UK to tour, they do DJ sets from time to time and play Holland Boys' "I am Gay," which reinforces that not only to these dudes have balls, brains, and a great sense of humor, they have exquisite taste in music. This video was done by Ted Passon.

Meet Joe - Philadelphia folk artist

We stumbled across this old dude a while back. His name is Joe Robinson and he makes these strange wooden figures, as well as some other visual art. Trained at Tyler School of Art YEARS ago, he exhibits his work in the greater Philadelphia area. Thought we'd share his stuff with you.

When all your equipment is stolen - ASPERA

Mike used to be in this space-rock band called Aspera. Actually, when he was a contributing song writer and lead singer it was called Aspera ad Astra (which not only has to be one of the dumbest band names EVER, it is shared by three other touring acts in the US - duh.) On the last leg of a tour in 2002, the boys played in Chicago. After spending the night at a friend's house, they gave thanks to their host and walked out to start up the van and begin the 17 hour trek back to Philadelphia. Tired, but stoked to be home within a day, they opened the doors to the van, only to find...NOTHING. Every piece of equipment was stolen, including Chris Powell's (Man Man) customized drums. Pain. Disbelief. Stunned, like a car accident victim who gets out of the car and walks around with a gaping wound, two of them walked down the street in the hopes that the assholes who stole their equipment MAY have left a clue behind. One block away, Justin spots a wheel to his Twin Reverb amp. Clue number one. He yells to the others. They begin to desparately look in boarded up store fronts on that block. One of the store fronts had newspapers covering the windows. Drew peered in and miraculously spotted Chris drums. Elated, they saw that a bakery, adjacent to that building, would open shortly. They waited and approached some of the Spanish speaking employees who worked there (you don't have to speak Spanish in order to get the point across that "you will die unless you help us recover our belongings"). They pleaded to have access to the store where the stolen drums were located. One of the employees ratted out the "kingpin" of the operation. After police were called and several delays, two of the Aspera boys were in the middle of a Chicago Police sting in an attempt to gain access to the remaining equipment at the "kingpin's" residence. He eventually came home only to find two tired, angry, white boys at his door (unmarked police cars were parked on the street...cops with weapons drawn). King Pin opened his front door to Justin and Drew's knocks, and Chicago's finest "bumrushed the show" busting into the house and eventually recovering EVERY SINGLE PIECE of Aspera's equipment. Half of the band loaded up the van and BOLTED for Philadelphia, while Justin and Drew stayed behind to give a statement to police (which would ensure that the thugs wouldn't return to a life of crime for at least...a week or so). Justin and Drew rented a Camaro to drive the 17 hours home. The two drove over 100mph and got home in 14 hours. True story (none of the names were changed to protect any identities).

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Big Digits - Boston's dopest

This is Mac from Boston-based "band" Big Digits. TD (the other half of BD) is not pictured. Mike went to college with Mac. Big Digits has opened for M.I.A., Diplo, and many other hip acts. Check their myspace page.

Human People at Northern Liberties Fest

One word about playing outdoors: really strange. Thanks to James Lipovac for the pic. He is a visual artist living in Philadelphia. We will post some of his stuff soon. He loves his girlfriend...A LOT.

Meet Mike

This is Mike. He loves running, white jeans, V-neck tees, sunny days, writing pop music, and singing. His ego tells him he is more relevant than he really is.

Meet Biaggo

This is Biaggo. He enjoys walking the fine line of hip fashion, wearing vests, sporting mustaches, and wearing the tightest jeans EVER. He also enjoys creating synth-dance music. The main reason he is in this band is because he loves Depeche Mode.

Meet Ken

This is Ken. He loves sleeveless sweaters and long sleeve button-ups in August, slicked hair, fake glasses, and piece of shit guitars, as well as, writing pop songs. Ken is also looking forward to changing his myspace relationship status to "married," as he marries a very sweet woman in October (truth: he doesn't have a myspace account...she made him erase it two years ago)

Daft Punk...rules the nation.

Not only was seeing Daft Punk live in NYC life changing, it set the bar for us for achieving thought-provoking performances. So...if anyone enjoys what we do AND has $2 million, we are available for a partnership. Check out this sweet scene from Daft Punk's Electroma. The movie is a bit slow, but beautifully shot.